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Well, heckorama! It’s October already and it’s time I made a post about something! I’ve been doing a lot of stuff, not really anything much to write about. You know, the boring put your nose to the grindstone and just slug it out kind of stuff.

One thing I will have to do though, Monday, is decline this new job. I don’t want to work it. I don’t care that it pays well. I won’t be able to write. I’m climbing that 3/4 hill in my novel, stomping past midway, thanks to my writing group (THANKS GUYS!) and have more than just the high-level ideas of where I’m going with it. Now I have more scene-level stuff to keep me focused. (Nevermind I lost my brainstorming notes in the icloud which doesn’t work, isn’t compatible with Windows BTW, I’m just sayin’.)

So I don’t wanna stop now! Gotta get that first draft down. Some scenes, well more than just some, are pretty good if I do say so myself and may not need much editing, other than to shape into the book it will become. There’s so much more it is growing into. You know, it’s kinda like a kid growing up.

Wait, no. Not yet. Right now, it’s like GIVING FREAKING BIRTH! (Giving, why do they say giving?) This last half, where I’m chugging my way UP the incline like a big, heavy,black, smokey, steam (adjectives were on sale) engine struggling up the tracks of a huge mountain to the 3/4 mark is like push part of giving birth. Where you don’t want to push cause it HURTS. Where you just want to walk out of the hosiptal and say, nope, this ain’t for me. Thanks, but no thanks, and you CAN’T. You’re “stuck in” as the British say.

OK maybe I’m a BIT melodramatic? NO, not a bit. Nope, nada, zilch, zip. Nope.

I’m still pushing, but it’s a good push now. And then I get this offer for more “part-time” work. I’m like OK, temp., 20 hours a week, Christmas is coming up, we’re remodeling our house. We could use the $. And then in the get to know the peeps meeting it’s “How many hours can you work?” and “We start about 8 am” and I’m thinking, say what? So I did Friday, so get a feel for it. It’s not bad work. The people are nice. But it’s not gonna leave me with any creative time. I will have to say thank you but no thank you. That sucks doesn’t it? I hate to leave money on the table, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

And I know this book isn’t gonna bring me a dime, right? It’s a labor of love. Well, a labor at this rate (see above.)

Speaking of knees… Yeah, well, we are now. I tweaked my knee somehow. I think the dogs did it. See, my feet stick out over my recliner’s legrest thingy and the dogs do zoomies and run around the room and don’t care that my feet are sticking out, and once in a great while they slam into my feet and twist them in ways they aren’t made to go, so the bottom part of my leg from my bottom part of my knee down goes one way and the top part of my knee and my thigh up stay still. So my orthopedist says, “How did you manage to tear almost every tendon in your knee?” I replied, “I’m an overachiever I guess? He says he wants to do a scope when I return from World Fantasy. We’ll see.

World Fantasy! I’m so excited to go! Grandson is going with me. It’s about a 7 hours drive from Dallas. Goes fast though. I listen to audiobooks. I’m reading Kij Johnson’s The Fox Woman and loving it. I hope she’ll sign it. I won’t have time to read more before I get there.

I worked on my website a bit today. Mostly just standardized it a bit. The footer was all over the place. I really want a different design but until I get my book published, or close to it, I am not going to worry about making a different theme yet except to play with ideas here and there. I like playing with graphics, but I’m not a graphic artist.

Ah, granddaughter has returned my car, yay! So I’m off to say hello. Hope you all are having a wonderful October! Stay healthy! Read lots!