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Look what I read in the Superstars Newsletter!

Agents/Editors looking for subs:

Amy Cowan of Young Dragons: Open to Middle Grade only, fiction and fantasy.

Ann Rose of The Tobias Agency: YA of all genres, MG of all genres. However, their website says: “Only agented submissions will be accepted. So this might be a “Superstars attendees only” affair.

Annie Stone from Podium Audio: Primarily seeking audio rights on successful self-published titles in the commercial fiction genres. Their website says: “…the vast majority of our title acquisitions are independently published by extraordinarily talented authors through Amazon, and also through serialized fiction platforms like Royal Road, Patreon, Wattpad, and more. We are looking to partner with authors who are building fan communities and reaching new audiences.”

Chris Kennedy of Chris Kennedy Publishing: Scifi, preferably military scifi, science fiction and fantasy.

Lisa Kastner of Running Wild Press: Publishes cross genre, and RIZE publishes genre stories written by people of color and those from other underrepresented groups. Their website says: “You wrote it. Let’s chat. We are looking for great stories with great writing that don’t fit neatly in a box – cross genre.” (Hey, I just copy/paste what they got LOL.)

Robert Davis of Tor/Macmillan: Currently looking for character driven commercial fiction across several categories. Unfortuntely, the website says: “We do not accept novel or novella submissions, except through an agent, although we occasionally hold an “open door” period, during which time we will consider unagented authors.”

Stacy Kondla from The Rights Factory: Open to receiving pitches across age categories and across genres – a hard no to politics, erotica, and self-help. Not interested in memoirs that are rooted in despair or sexual abuse. (Literary Agency)

Toni Weiskopff of Baen Books: Looking only for science fiction and fantasy.